Loukoumades for sweet days!

by Niki Kefala

One of Greece’s best known desserts (and one of my favorites) is loukoumades. If you never heard about them, are a round deep fried dough which are then dunked in honey, followed by a sprinkled of ground walnuts and dusted with ground cinnamon. You also must know that they are eaten warm. They are so tasty, that in ancient Greece, loukoumades were served to the winners of the Olympic Games.

Nowadays you can make them in your kitchen or if you are visiting Greece you can find them quite easily as they are a very popular street food. The perfect traditional loukoumades are crispy on the outside and fluffy in the inside. As for their health benefits? They contain protein and dietary fiber, plus all the benefits that honey has to offer.

Loukoumades with chocolate

Recipe for loukoumades:

If you are interested of making this delicious dessert here is the recipe. Put your apron and get ready!

Ingredients and Instructions:

Combine all the dough ingredients (3 cups of flour, ¾ tablespoon sugar, 2 cups of water, dry yeast and vanilla) in large mixing bowl. Transfer the dough to another large oiled mixing bowl. Cover it so to be warm and let it rise until doubled in size.

Honey sauce:
In medium pot, bring the water to a boil over medium heat and add the sugar, vanilla, cinnamon and lemon juice (for great aroma). Simmer the mixture for 45 minutes, then add the honey and cook for 5 more minutes.

Add the dough balls to the deep-fryer and fry until cooked through and golden brown. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels. Transfer the fried dough balls to a serving platter. Drizzle with honey sauce and sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar. Good luck!


Loukoumades with ice cream

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